Month: December 2016

A New Year of Giving and Receiving

Riverside has been growing with the anticipation of a brighter economic future. With the new Administration taking office on January 20, we are holding out hope for the long-awaited growth spurt that has been so allusive in the past decade. That said, there’s no denying Riverside has been fortunate in many ways, we also know that good fortune continues only when shared. Our philosophy is; if there’s more for us, then there’s more to give.

Supermarket Food Surpluses 
Recently the topic of excess food surpluses has come up for discussion at our Town Hall meetings. It seems it’s a choice between contracting st louis towing services every week to haul away the excess amount of food that supermarkets won’t sell after a certain date, or finding a way to avoid the waste. Several ideas were presented on how to bridge the gap between the surplus and the hungry.

No One Left Behind

With the Holidays now at our front door it’s necessary that we invite everyone into the Joy of the Season. Blessed are those who have relatives to love, argue, eat and play with. Blessed are those who have friends they can call family to share this time of year. However, many are without family or close friends. At the Riverside Chronicle, we enjoy creating ways to extend the feeling of being connected with everyone in our community.

This year we built a bridge of Holiday Cheer. Just like emergency towing companies Dayton Ohio help those in need of a tow or roadside assistance, we extended the warmth of the year by exchanging cards, letters, memories, toys, clothing and other goodies to each other’s community.